Employee Relations

Three lab coats hanging in a locker room

We promote a high-quality work force and collaborative relationships between management and employee organizations by providing training and guidance on managing performance, contract interpretation, resolving complaints at the lowest level and by negotiating timely and fiscally responsible agreements. We value prompt and courteous customer service and teamwork.

 Labor Management Partnership

Zone 7 Water Agency has worked towards creating constructive Labor Management Partnerships with the labor organizations that represent our workforce. Zone 7 employees work in professional, scientific and highly technical professions. These employees want to participate in decisions that affect their work and form partnerships to help identify problems and to help craft solutions. This being the case, the Agency has joined forces with the labor unions to form Labor Management Teams, which meet periodically to address concerns and work toward meeting common goals.

Memorandum of Understanding

Zone 7 Water Agency employees are represented by four separate bargaining units. You can determine which Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) applies to a specific job classification by clicking here. Unrepresented positions also are identified.

To view the actual MOUs (In PDF format): 

Building Trades - Alameda County Building and Construction Trades Council

ACMEA Confidential - Alameda County Management Employees Association (Confidential Unit)

ACMEA General - Alameda County Management Employees Association (General Government)

IFPTE - International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 21

SEIU - Service Employees International Union, Local 1021

Unrepresented Employees

Unrepresented managers and employees are covered under the Administrative Code.