Zone 7 Water Agency Board of Directors

Water Academy Rewards

Meet the Board

Zone 7 Water Agency is overseen by a seven-member Board of Directors. Our board members are elected by the Tri Valley community to four-year terms. The board provides strategic guidance and planning for Zone 7’s policies, programs and finances, and represents the public in an open and transparent process.

Water Academy Rewards

Board Meetings

Participate With Us

We invite our community to participate in meetings and provide input and comments to the board on any agenda item. We also provide an opportunity to address the board regarding non-agenda items during each meeting during Public Comment.


Third Wednesday of each month

7:00 p.m.

Zone 7 Administration Building
​100 North Canyons Parkway, Livermore, CA

Water Academy Rewards

Meeting Agendas

We invite the public to review our Board and Committee Meeting documents to stay up-to-date on current topics and dive into the details of meetings that have already occurred. Board meetings are open to the public and we encourage residents to get involved. At Zone 7, we are committed to transparency with those we serve.


Board Policies

Policies are broad guidelines that outline how Zone 7 approaches processes and operational issues. They reflect Zone 7’s vision and values and provide a consistent basis and framework for making decisions and guiding staff in daily operations. Policies are different than procedures, rules, and adoptions of plans. All adopted policies can be found linked below.