Agency Budget


We are proud to present the digital budget book as part of our commitment to transparency, community engagement, and efficiency.

We invest in long-term financial planning and fiscal organizational sustainability in order to ensure all areas of Zone 7 are ready and resilient for any economic storms we need to weather.

We do this by maintaining tight budgetary controls, embodied in our two-year budget approved by our Board of Directors. The annual appropriated budget is made up of the operating budget (consisting of total operations and operating projects) and the capital budget (consisting of capital project expenditures).

Our budget includes detailed information designed to provide both our stakeholders and the public with a deep understanding of the Agency’s current operations and future direction.

The most recent budget supports the Agency’s adopted 2020-2024 strategic plan and was adopted on June 11, 2024. 

FY 2024-26 Budget in Brief

Adopted Two-Year Budget FY 2024-25 & FY 2025-26