Zone 7 Water Agency Response to Delta Conveyance Project Release of State Benefit Cost Analysis

News Release

LIVERMORE, CA (May 17, 2024) — The Zone 7 Water Agency welcomes the news that the independent benefit cost analysis shows that the Delta Conveyance Project will bring substantial benefits to Zone 7 and California as a whole.  The benefits include more reliable water supplies, increased seismic reliability and enhanced water quality. 

“The State Water Project is vital to our community as it provides 70% of the water supply used to enhance the quality of life, economic vitality, and environmental health to our region. The Delta Conveyance Project will modernize the State Water Project and ensure water supply reliability for our community,” said General Manager Valerie Pryor. 

We understand that it is a substantial investment but know that these investments will be required to make Zone 7’s water supply portfolio more resilient to climate change.  The Delta Conveyance Project will help the State Water Project safely capture, move and store water amidst the rapid swings between wet and dry conditions that have become our new normal as the state’s climate changes.

For more information on Zone 7’s efforts to ensure reliable water for the Tri-Valley through potential solutions such as the Delta Conveyance Project and others visit