Alternative Groundwater Sustainability Plan (AGSP) and Updates


Zone 7 proactively manages our groundwater basin to ensure this valuable resource remains a sustainable source of water for future generations of the Tri-Valley.

As the designated agency for managing the groundwater basin (called a Groundwater Sustainability Agency or GSA), the state requires a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP); however, the Agency has been managing groundwater since the early 1960s. Because Zone 7 had an existing plan in place in advance of state requirements, staff was able to submit an Alternative GSP (or AGSP), one of only nine accepted by the Department of Water Resources across the state, marking a big win for the Agency and a testament to the proactive and sustainable groundwater management that is central to the Agency’s mission and history.

Grant Funded Updates

Our Alternative GSP received a half-million-dollar grant to help us update the plan, and specifically, expand our knowledge of the fringe and upland basins – the unincorporated areas, hills, and recharge areas on the outlying areas of the basin and how they relate to the main basin. This update was an important part of our groundwater management process, and applying for state grants is an example of our strategies to leverage available resources for responsible fiscal management.

On June 27, 2024, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) announced that it approved the update to Zone 7’s groundwater management plan, formally known as an Alternative to a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (Alternative GSP). This Alternative GSP was initially approved in 2019. DWR determined that Livermore Valley Groundwater basin continues to be managed sustainably to meet the requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).

This approval signifies that the Alternative GSP continues to comply with SGMA law, relying upon the best available science and information, and that implementing the plans is likely to achieve or maintain groundwater sustainability. Alternatives based on an existing water management plan must demonstrate that implementation is expected to maintain or achieve sustainability within 20 years.

alternative gsp update chronological events

  • In June 2020, Zone 7 staff presented a summary of the grant project at a public Zone 7 Board meeting (see AGSP Agenda Item and AGSP Presentation). During that meeting, the Board also authorized a contract (see AGSP Contract Approval) with a consultant to assist staff on some portions of the project. 
  • On September 3, 2020, staff mailed a stakeholder letter to various stakeholders.
  • In January and February 2021, Zone 7 staff had three online meetings to present a summary of the project to Zone 7’s retailers, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and various Alameda County agencies.
  • In May 2021, Zone 7 staff presented an update of the grant project at the Zone 7 Board of Directors meeting (see AGSP Agenda Item and AGSP Presentation). 
  • Staff presented the draft AGSP at the Zone 7 Board’s Water Resources Committee in-person meeting on Monday, November 8, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. The meeting was not recorded, however, notes of the meeting are available HERE).
  • On November 17, 2021, Zone 7 staff presented the draft to Zone 7’s retailers.
  • Staff presented the draft AGSP to the stakeholders and public at an online Zoom meeting on November 18, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. A recording of the meeting is available HERE and the presentation slides are available HERE
  • Staff modified the draft AGSP to address several comments from Board members, stakeholders, and the public. Staff presented the final AGSP to Zone 7’s Board for their approval at the in-person Board meeting on December 15, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. The agenda item from that meeting is available HERE and the recording of that Board meeting is available HERE. The approved AGSP was uploaded to the DWR SGMA Portal for Alternative Periodic Evaluations on December 21, 2021. The final report is available HERE
  • On June 27, 2024, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) announced that it approved the update to Zone 7’s Alternative GSP. This approval signifies that the Alternative GSP continues to comply with SGMA law, relying upon the best available science and information, and that implementing the plans is likely to achieve or maintain groundwater sustainability.

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