Home Featured
Read the Agency’s 2020-2021 Annual Report
Zone 7 is committed to delivering safe, reliable, efficient, and sustainable water and flood protection services. This year, the Annual Report is fully online and meets and exceeds the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliance and regulation standard
Read the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP)
Zone 7 uses the UWMP to help evaluate and plan for the Tri-Valley's water supply needs.
Where does our water come from?
Learn more about the journey our water takes from the Sierra Nevada as snowmelt through hundreds of miles of infrastructure to make it to your tap.
Be Water-Wise with Water Wise Wendy
Visit our Water Conservation section to get tips from our youngest water saving guru for both inside your home and outside in your yard.
Attend our next board meeting
Our board meets the third Wednesday of every month. Visit our Calendar of Events for agenda and details.
The Wondrous World of Water
Dive into the Wondrous World of Water to learn how in the world ozone disinfects water! Our water quality video series takes a look at how Zone 7 provides clean, safe drinking water for the Tri Valley community.